Troubleshoot Guide: Slow to No Output

RO-Pump (Test flow speed: A, D, T1, F)

To determine what causes Slow Output, please do "Slow Output Troubleshoot Tests" below, and then give us your test results.

Test Point D: Check Input Pressure to Membrane - After 3 Prefilters

- See Diagram, at point D:
  Here the input water just passed thru stages 1, 2, 3 prefitlers and the booster pump. It is entering the Membrane at point D.   We want to check the flow speed at this point.  It will tell if the 3 pre-filters are good, or clogged. - Turn off the tank's valve.

- Turn off the Feed water supply to the RO system.

- Remove the RED line from the membrane's cap at point D

- Turn on the Feed water to the RO.

- You should see water shooting out forcefully from the Red line.  Not just a good flow.

- Fill 1-gallon jug from the RED line.  Time it to see how many seconds it takes to fill 1 gallon.  Record timing for point D.

-  With the booster pump, your feed pressure to the RO should be around 50-60psi. Based on this input pressure, it should take only 48-50 seconds to fill the 1-gallon jug.

- If it takes much longer then 48-50 seconds to get 1 gallon from point D --> your 3 pre-filters are clogged.

Test Point T-1:   Check Pure Water Speed from Membrane

-  See diagram at point T-1:
   Here the PURE water just comes out of the membrane. We want to test the flow rate here to see how fast the membrane is making water.  This tells if the membrane is good, or clogged.

-Turn off the tank's valve.  Turn on the Feed water to the RO system.

- Remove the CLEAR line from the black plastic valve at point T-1

- Fill an 8oz glass from this line.  Time it to see how many minutes it takes to get 8 oz water.  Record time for T1.

- At 55-60psi, your RO-PUMP system should take 2 - 2.5 minutes to make 8 oz pure water. 

- If it takes much longer than 2- 2.5 minutes for 8 oz --> The membrane is clogged, needs replacing.

Give us your test results (flow speed) for points D, T-1.

* * * End of Test * * *

Water flows through the RO head as follows:

A: Input water enters stage-1 sediment filter at point A.

ESO: From A, input water enters the Electric Shut Off (ESO) valve.

P1: From ESO, water enters the booster pump at port P1.

P2: With boosted pressure, water leaves the pump at port P2, then enters stage-2 filter.

B: Passing through stages 2 & 3 filters, water leaves stage-3 filter at port B.

D: From B, water enters the Membrane housing at point D (membrane housings cap).

W: Waste water generated by the membrane drains out through point W, and to the drainpipe.

E: Pure water from the membrane exits the housing at point E.

Check Valve: At point E, there is an internal Check Valve encased in the L-shaped plastic fitting. This valve prevents water in the tank from back flowing into the RO system. It also helps the RO shut off when the tank is full.

T1, T2: Pure water from point E enters the TSO Tank Shut Off valve at T1, and exits at T2.

TSO: The TSO Tank Shut Off valve shuts off the tank when pressure inside tank reaches 40psi (pre-set).

F, G: Pure water from T2 passes through points F & G, and enters the pressure tank.

H: When pure water is dispensed, it leaves the tank via the Yellow line, passes through the Stage-5 filter and exits at point H, then flows onto the RO dispensing faucet.

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