Over 1 million men and women around the country suffer from a heart attack every year. The medical term for a heart attack is myocardial infarction (MI). Your heart needs a steady supply of blood to keep it alive. When you have clogged arteries, it reduces the blood supply that the heart needs. Clogged arteries are fatty matter, calcium, proteins, and inflamed cells that form plaque. A heart attack can cause permanent damage to the heart as blood will no longer flow to the damaged parts of the heart muscle. The area that is damaged will form a scar and the heart needs time to heal. The recovery time from a heart attack is very important and can take 6 – 12 weeks.
Attack symptoms are not the same for everyone. Symptoms of a heart attack are pressure, heaviness, chest pains, arm, back, jaw, and throat discomfort. People also report the feeling of fullness, indigestion, sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, weakness, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats. These symptoms can last up to 30 minutes or more. There are people that have heart attacks with absolutely no symptoms at all; it’s called a silent myocardial infarction. It is more common to occur in people with diabetes.
There are many different heart treatments for heart attack victims. Some patients will need stents which are used to open up arteries. Some patients will require an automated external defibrillator which helps with heart rhythm. A defibrillator device is designed to give the heart an automatic shock to prevent sudden death.
Many cardiologists will prescribe medications like beta-blockers, blood thinners, aspirin, water pills, etc. Further heart damage can be avoided by eating a proper diet that is slow in fat. Avoid caffeine drinks, fried foods, sugary food, and foods high in sodium. Taking vitamin supplements and fish oil is great for the heart muscles and arteries. Many believe that fish oil can also prevent plaque from sticking to the arteries. Lower your risk of having an additional heart attack by drinking chemical-free water that is better for the body.
The chemicals and heavy metal contamination found in drinking water may have an effect on long-term heart health. Toxic pollutants are turning up more and more often in our drinking water sources and they can cause a host of problems including illness, disease, and death. Therefore, people should drink purified water to reduce any risk from water pollutants that can harm our bodies and our heart. Water is the most essential element for all living things, and drinking clean purified water on a daily basis will improve your overall health and recovery. It’s never too late to start.