Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an incapacitating and complex disorder that results in extreme fatigue. Body rest alone cannot improve the overwhelming fatigue levels caused by the disorder. Exercising to improve fitness may also be ineffective. In fact, a patient’s health can further be aggravated when they engage in physical activities that require high amounts of energy. While the exact causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are unknown, it is suspected that chemicals found in drinking water may have an effect on this condition.
Most of the water in towns and cities comes from underground sources such as reservoirs and aquifers. This means the water mostly flows down from the surface runoff and is purified by many layers of earth. In the past, this was enough, but today these water sources are often contaminated from many sources including local industry and agricultural activities and practices. Our drinking water then is prone to contain some chemical and heavy metal contamination which could potentially lead to health problems such as CFS and other diseases. Other pollutants that may affect health and energy levels include microbial concerns like bacteria and viruses which can cause severe illness.
Water contaminants can also affect changes in the overall composition of water. One such substance is the chemical chlorine which is used as a disinfectant to treat microbes. Despite its advantages, chlorine has a couple of negative consequences that can affect the health of all living beings. Chlorine is a toxic chemical that can aggravate the skin, lungs, and other mucous membranes. It is very abrasive and can cause allergic reactions in small concentrations or fatal poisoning in larger doses. Chlorine can also combine with other organic compounds to create THMs Trihalomethanes which are carcinogens. Prolonged exposure to chlorine can have many negative effects on our health and could potentially have a role in the development or advancement of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Contamination of water is also caused by inorganic wastes including toxic and harmful contaminants such as acids, heavy metals, mercury, cadmium, and lead. These heavy metals lead to disruptions in the normal functioning of the nervous system. Complications that arise as a result of the breakdown of the nervous system can potentially lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Other water contaminants that may play a role in CFS include pesticides and chemical fertilizers from local farms. These are very harmful chemicals that can lead to serious illness and even death at high concentrations. Lower levels can cause less noticeable health conditions including a weakened immune system, anemia, and basic body aches and pains.
The human body has miraculous health abilities when it is allowed time to rejuvenate itself in the absence of toxic chemicals. Drinking plenty of water improves circulation, digestion, and detoxification to allow the healing process to occur. However, the body’s healing processes can only occur in the presence of clean water. Drinking purified water can also increase the body’s energy levels and decreases fatigue at the same time. Minor body dehydration can result in low- energy levels and fatigue. Even a small percentage reduction in the total amount of bodily fluid can cause a loss of energy in otherwise healthy people. This happens because the liver uses water to convert fat into energy. Therefore, a lack of purified water in the body’s metabolism results in fatigue and low levels of energy.