Lemons are one of the most versatile and nutritious fruits available today. In the past, when there was no refrigeration, lemons were used as a very effective preservative. At that time, it was also recognized that the lack of citrus fruits such as lemons, could lead to certain medical problems like scurvy. These fruits as it turns out, provided a number of important vitamins and minerals for the body. Regular consumption of lemon juice, for instance, can help the human body stay healthy and fight off pernicious diseases.

Because lemons have been around for so long and many people have studied their nutritional value, we know a lot about this fruit. Most people are aware that lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C and B, riboflavin, and carbohydrates. They probably also know that lemon juice is good for colds, helps skin to heal and stay healthy, helps maintain healthy gums, helps heal burns, and is an effective natural antiseptic.
There are, however, some other lesser-known health benefits of lemon juice that the public should be aware of. These health benefits may not have been scientifically established but, nevertheless, there exists for each a wealth of ever-growing anecdotal evidence:
1. Relief of Digestive Problems
Because of its high acidity, some people may be surprised to find that lemon juice might be a remedy against gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In fact, lemon juice can relieve nausea, indigestion, belching, bloating, constipation, and hiccups as well as heartburn; it can also help the body digest foods better by helping the liver produce more bile.
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2. Protection and Improvement of Cardiovascular Health
One of the more promising health benefits of lemon juice is its apparent ability to protect the circulatory system. Because of its high potassium content, it can help protect the heart and it can also help control high blood pressure. Its benefits may even extend to the brain since it can help relieve dizziness, stress, and depression, provide relaxation and act like a sedative.
3. Dental Care Protection
Lemon juice can help relieve a toothache (acting as an analgesic), can help stop gum bleeding, helps control halitosis (sometimes an ingredient in some mouthwash products), may help in preventing cavities (because of its natural antiseptic qualities), can be used as a cleanser of the mouth (sometimes an ingredient in toothpaste) and can help prevent some diseases that affect the mouth. Care should be taken, and lemon juice should not be left for too long in the mouth since its high acidity may weaken tooth enamel.
4. Capacity to Help Get Rid of Stones
Organicfacts.net, a health information website, posts that “lemon juice can cure kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which can prevent the formation of crystals.” It has also been suggested that lemon juice mixed with olive oil may help get rid of gallstones. Another source states that even pancreatic stones may be alleviated with the use of lemons. Additionally, lemon juice, like cranberry juice, may help the body keep bacterial infections down and get rid of waste by-products.
5. Dermatologic Uses
As an effective antiseptic agent, lemons can help to keep the skin healthy, help (as cooling agents) burns and sunburns to heal more rapidly, help relieve insect stings, help with eczema and acne problems, help act as an anti-aging tool, help to remove wrinkles and blackheads, help keep skin looking healthy and help reduce scars. When added to warm water, lemon juice can also be used as a foot relaxant.
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